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Argentina close to launching tender for Buenos Aires port operations

Port of Buenos Aries
The Port of Buenos Aires now, at left, and what's envisioned for the future, right
Argentina's Transport Ministry approved the specifications for an international public tender to operate the renewed Port of Buenos Aires for the next 50 years.

US$760m investment required

This empowers the General Ports Administration to call for bids. Continuing the expansion works that are under way and a US$760m investment in the first 10 years are among the tender's conditions.

The Port of Buenos Aires modernization plan was presented in December by Transport Minister Guillermo Dietrich, General Ports Administration Controller Gonzalo Mórtola and Mariano Saúl, undersecretary of ports and waterways.

Following the presentation, a period of consultations enabled the port community and interested parties to become familiar with the project and make suggestions.

The tender's launch is now imminent and will be published at the official site of the Port of Buenos Aires.

The port modernization is aimed at doubling the current cargo capacity. A flexible design will make it adaptable to the needs of the market in a more competitive and sustainable way.

Separation of cruise and cargo operations

The plan will separate cargo and cruise operations and envisions a new cruise terminal, among other improvements.

In addition, the plan will generate new green and recreational spaces for the community and integrate the port with initiatives like the Paseo del Bajo, a major roadway project to connect the north and south of Buenos Aires.

Until now the port has carried out expansion works to the tune of US$75m, reclaiming nine hectares for logistic operations in the Dársena F and 15 hectares north of the sixth jetty that will function as a container terminal, facilitating larger vessels. Under a single operator, the maximum rates will be established by contract to ensure greater transparency and competitiveness.

The modernization also aims to enhance intermodal operations and reduce logistics challenges and costs.