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AIDAluna and AIDAbella's major refurbs now scheduled

AIDAluna will enter dry dock in late 2025 and AIDAbella, in early 2026
AIDA Cruises is forging ahead with modernising its fleet, with AIDAluna and AIDAbella’s dry docks now scheduled. 

As part of AIDA Evolution, the largest fleet modernisation program in the line’s history, the first three ships of the Sphinx series will be extensively updated by 2026. 

The first ship to be refurbished will be AIDAdiva at the Chantier Naval shipyard in Marseille, France.

AIDAluna will be in the yard from October 22 to December 10, 2025, followed by AIDAbella from January 21 to March 11, 2026.

The Sphinx series of ships entered service between 2007 and 2013. 

TAGS: AIDA Cruises