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Celebration Key described as ‘game changing’ by Carnival in business update

PHOTO: HOLLY PAYNE Carnival-update-Dover.jpg
Clockwise from upper left, Iain Baillie, Peter Wright and Luke Smith on board Carnival Legend on June 28
Carnival Cruise Line’s 340-acre private beach resort, Celebration Key, will be ‘game changing’ and unlike anything else in the industry, according to the line’s director of international sales, Luke Smith. 

‘Anyone else that has private island experiences is going to have to really look at what they do to match what we're doing with Celebration Key,’ said Smith during a presentation for media and travel agents on board Carnival Legend in Dover Friday. 

The $600m Grand Bahama development ‘will be two and a half times the size of our nearest competitors’ ’ and equipped with two piers that can accommodate four Excel-class ships simultaneously, said Smith. ‘Theoretically, we could have 25,000 people there at any one time,’ he noted.

Celebration Key, which will take ships beginning in July 2025, already appears on some 500 Carnival itineraries open for booking. 

31 ships by 2028

Carnival is ‘on a really massive growth schedule,’ explained the line’s VP International Sales Iain Baillie, also speaking from Carnival Legend's Firebird Lounge. The fleet will increase from 27 ships to 31 vessels in 2028 owing to the addition of two new Excel-class ships (in 2027 and 2028) as well as the integration of two P&O Cruises Australia ships, which will operate as Carnival Adventure and Carnival Encounter. 

‘Each [Excel] ship is about a billion USD,’ said Smith. ‘These are the ones that have all the amazing innovations like BOLT: Ultimate Sea Coaster, the incredible rope walks that go out over the side of the deck, all the amazing food innovations…’ 

Port of Dover 

Carnival Legend will homeport in Dover throughout the season, sailing to the British Isles, Iceland and Northern Europe. Carnival Miracle will offer the same in summer 2025. 

Peter Wright, head of cruise at the Port of Dover, delivered a speech outlining the advantages of cruise ships calling at the town. He said, ‘[We have] literally everything that's needed to enable cruise lines to turn their ships around and guests to have a smooth start and end to their cruise.’ 

Wright also explained that the town is home to the White Cliffs and Dover Castle, and there are seven castles within 50 minutes’ drive of the town. Vineyards can also be found close by. 

In addition, there are a number of hotels, good road connections and by rail, the destination is just over an hour from London. 

Ship tour

The day concluded with a tour of Carnival Legend and the chance to see venues recently added during the vessel’s dry dock.