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Carnival the first to sail 10m cruisers from Galveston

The Carnival Breeze team hails Marsha Taulton, in red with gift basket, as Carnival's 10 millionth cruiser from Galveston. Port Director Rodger Rees, at far left in the right photo, joins the party
Carnival Cruise Line embarked its 10 millionth passenger from the Port of Galveston on Thursday.

The line launched the first year-round cruise program from Galveston in 2000.

Marsha Taulton of Houston was recognized as she embarked Carnival Breeze with her husband Paul. They were welcomed by Capt. Isidoro Renda and Galveston Wharves Port Director and CEO Rodger Rees, and the ship’s team threw an impromptu celebration.

'This is an achievement that speaks to the success of our longstanding partnership with the port and the greater Galveston community,' Carnival President Christine Duffy said.

Four-ship strategy

The 10m milestone follows an expansion of Carnival service at the port that began with the introduction of Carnival Jubilee, the first cruise ship christened in Galveston. The expansion continues in October when Carnival Miracle begins sailing from there, completing a four-ship deployment strategy.

20% passenger increase this year

At the end of this year, Carnival’s passenger capacity in Galveston is expected to increase by 20% from 2023, to more than more than 800,000 cruisers.