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Carnival Corp. CEO downplays threat of cruise limits in Greece

Greece comprises a 'relatively small part' of Carnival Corp,'s capacity deployment 'but It's important to us,' Josh Weinstein said
The Greek Islands have had cruise caps in place for years, Carnival Corp. & plc CEO Josh Weinstein said Tuesday, adding he doesn't expect 'anything incredibly disruptive' looming.

Weinstein was responding to reports that Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis signaled the intention to limit cruise calls at Santorini and Mykonos next year, citing 'overtourism.'

'Our job to make sure we're doing things sustainably'

'We have a great relationship with Greece and its local communities, and it's our job to make sure we're doing things sustainably,' Weinstein said during Carnival's second quarter earnings call.

Par for the course

The cruise giant has worked with Greece and will continue to do so to 'figure out how to coincide with their needs ... This is just par for the course. We do this all the time in lots of places,' Weinstein continued, pointing to Dubrovnik as an example of where a successful cruise industry-community solution to crowding was reached.

'We'll continue to partner with local communities that want our economic benefit,' the Carnival chief said.

Low single digits percent of capacity

Greece comprises a 'relatively small part' of his company's capacity deployment: a low single digit percentage.

'But It's important to us,' Weinstein said. 'We want to show up, and we want to show up well.'