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CFC taps Vikand to provide full medical service for Renaissance

Vikand will manage the medical facility and day-to-day clinical operations aboard Renaissance, including providing French-speaking doctors and nurses
Compagnie Française de Croisières (CFC) selected Vikand to provide full medical service for passengers and crew on its first vessel, Renaissance.

Vikand will supply a team of experienced French-speaking medical professionals both onboard and ashore to cater to the health and well-being of Renaissance travelers.

Total healthcare audit and review

Vikand has worked with CFC during Renaissance’s refurbishment transformation. The team has ensured the vessel complies with all standards and regulations by evaluating the medical facility and conducting a total healthcare audit and biomedical equipment review.

This, Vikand said, will give the Renaissance a strong healthcare foundation allowing the crew to concentrate on providing passengers with a memorable, French-inspired experience.

Once Renaissance enters service in the coming weeks, Vikand will continue to manage the medical facility and day-to-day clinical operations. Ultimately, the medical team will proactively focus on healthcare risk reduction, crew welfare and guest satisfaction.

Common values

'Offering best-in-class healthcare and public health management is at the core of what Vikand is about,' CEO Peter Hult said. 'Our motto is "We can because we care," and I am pleased that CFC shares those values. Our strategic partnership will grow even stronger as time goes on and we will continue to be attentive and caring to their crew and guests’ medical needs.'

'We needed a quality healthcare partner that we could trust and as Vikand’s reputation is second to none, it was an easy decision to make,' said Ralph de Klijn, COO of CFC. 'Their medical professionals will stop at nothing to make sure that every passenger and crew members' health needs are taken care of. They have such a wide pool of talented people to choose from, including French-speaking doctors and nurses which is important as we’re targeting our home market and need people who can relate to our guests.

'... Vikand's professional approach will make our passengers feel safe and secure, giving our crew and hospitality teams the freedom to focus on creating that ultimate guest experience,' de Klijn added.