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Port of San Diego achieves Green Marine recertification

PHOTO: PORT OF SAN DIEGO CRUISE_San_Diego_Green_Marine.jpg
Port of San Diego staff receive the Green Marine certificate at GreenTech 2024 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Port of San Diego earned recertification by Green Marine, North America’s largest voluntary environmental certification program for the maritime industry.

The port first enrolled in Green Marine in 2018 and has achieved annual certification since.

The recertification entailed an evaluation of initiatives related to greenhouse gas and air pollutant reduction, community impacts, community relations, environmental leadership, spill prevention and stormwater management, underwater noise and waste management.

Top marks in six of seven categories

The port was then ranked on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 indicating the monitoring of regulations and 5 reflecting excellence and leadership, and received top marks in six of the seven categories.

Overall, the Port of San Diego ranked in the top 10% of North American ports in the Green Marine program with an average score of 4.5 out of 5 across all categories.

'Green Marine’s certification is recognized through North America as a symbol of environmental excellence, which reaffirms our commitment to a thriving, healthy San Diego Bay for all,' said Chairman Frank Urtasun, Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners.

Green Marine’s 2023 certification program had 220 reports, the largest class of participants to date. They included shipowners, port authorities, terminal operators, shipyard managers and seaway corporations. Certificates were distributed during the GreenTech 2024 conference June 5-7 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

SSA Marine

SSA Marine added their San Diego terminal for Green Marine certification, becoming the first Port of San Diego tenant to participate in the program.

Decarbonization made big strides this year, with two-thirds of participants achieving Level 3 or higher for the greenhouse gas performance indication.